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Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, Plan-B Theatre

May, June 2024



Directed by Cheryl Ann Cluff

Scenic & Props Design by Janice Chan

Lighting Design by Emma Eugenia Belnap

Sound Design by Cheryl Ann Cluff

Costume Design by Victoria Bird

Scenic Construction by Grey Rung

Production Photography by Sharah Meservy

Performed by Sydney Shoell and Ben Young 


There’s a feeling I get with Shepherd’s plays that is rare for me when I attend the theater. Not to sound snotty, but I’ve attended a lot of plays over the years, and it takes quite a lot for me to respond deeply. I often feel like emotions skim over me rather than take root. Something that has happened to me in the past with this playwright’s work and was the case again last night that at times in the action, especially towards the end, I felt an all-encompassing, paralysing sense of SOMETHING, almost like being frozen for a few seconds. It might have been anxiety, it might have been foreboding, it might have just been plain fear. It’s not super comfortable and it’s a bit overwhelming, but it is also refreshing to feel that much, and the odd thing about it is I leave the theater each time from Shepherd’s plays feeling renewed, and oddly lighter.

Review: Plan-B’s ‘My Brother Was a Vampire’ is bloody, brilliant (Gephardt Daily)

One spring, I experienced Waiting for Godot at the Old Vic (London), and a created theatrical tour experience of sorts, where audiences walked through a house, touching, feeling, watching, hearing, and living through a created dreamlike event. My Brother Was a Vampire felt like a combination of both those events. I was watching a play, but also breathing in a dream. Plan-B Theatre’s My Brother Was A Vampire in Salt Lake City Mesmerizes (Front Row Reviewers)








Superb acting, design, directing mark world premiere Plan-B Theatre production of Morag Shepherd’s My Brother Was A Vampire (The Utah Review)

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